Glockwerker stellen aus: Schmiede Wettig, Nieder Olm
Motto: Kontraste Mein Beitrag: "Pfirsichblütenmeer"

Mitgliederausstellung 40 Jahre Kunstverein Eisenturm im Eisenturm in Mainz 
Motto : Kleinformat Monochrom Mein Beitrag: "Schau mir in die Augen,Kleines"

2013Joint exhibition by the Limburg-Weilburg local authority

Joint exhibition of the Essenheim Art Group
Rheinhessen Art Forum e. V. 

Solo exhibition at the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Am Brand 31, Mainz

European Head Office of  DPD, Aschaffenburg
Joint exhibition with Margot Weiß  and Manfred Hönig


Joint exhibition at the  Messmer FoundationRiegel am Kaiserstuhl
Solo exhibition at
 Wintaro Klein -Winternheim


Joint exhibition of the Essenheim Art Group
Rheinhessen Art Forum e. V.


Solo exhibition at the the Old Gatehouse Rathenow (Brandenburg)
Joint exhibition of the 
Eisenturm Art Group Mainz e. V.


Solo exhibition at the Ortsverwaltung (local authority) in Mainz-Weisenau
Solo exhibition at The Elector's Castle in Eltville (Rheingau)
Joint exhibition of the Eisenturm Art Group Mainz e. V.
Joint exhibition of the Essenheim Art Group Rheinhessen Art Forum e.V.
Joint exhibition of the Stuttgart Art Group


Joint exhibition of the Glockwerks Light Art Projects e. V.,
Wettig Forge, Nieder-Olm (near Mainz)

Joint exhibition of the Eisenturm Art Group Mainz e. V.
Solo exhibition at the Hildegard Forum, Bingen

- 2003

Solo exhibition at the Lambrich Wine House, Oberwesel
Joint exhibition at the Holz Gallery, Boppard
Solo exhibition at the Media Service Office, Mainz
Solo exhibition at the Ortsverwaltung (local authority) in Mainz-Weisenau

Joint Kreachtiv exhibition at the Hochheim Town Hall (Wiesbaden)

- 1999

Joint exhibition at Bad Salzig(Mittelrheintal)
Joint exhibition at the Blütenhaus in Mainz
Joint exhibition at Oberwesel
Solo exhibition at the Workers' Welfare Organisation, Mainz

Solo exhibition at the Small Coffee House, Bad Kreuznach